Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pisa History

The origins of Pisa are still mysterious. The classic authors, from Plinio at Rutilio Namaziano, put in report this name with that of the greek homonymous town located in the Elide and support that its foundation was work of greek and precisely of the king Pelope, or of Epeo builder of the horse of Troy, or of the companies of Nestore, fugitives exactly from Troy. This theory was connected with an achea colonization in Etruria and in Lazio (XIII-XII century B.C.) in the summary of the micenee relations with Italy.
Another tradition, that make up principally at Catone and at Servio, connects the origins of Pisa at the Focesi or at the Teuti (teutanes) and later on at the etruscans.  A third (that goes from Polibio at Livio) supports that the aboriginal nucleus of Pisa was founded from liguri. The presence of liguri installations is testifided from various discoveries effected in the environs of Pisa and specially long the west base of Monte Pisano. Commercial contacts of the Focesi with the tirrenico coast result numeorus and important.
The arrival of Etruschi in the Val of Arno and in particular in the marsh of Bientina, is also attested from the classic writers and can be corfirmed from the archaeologic reperts and from the place-names to start from the middle of the V century B.C.; at the Etruschi would go back the name Pisa, whose meaning would be that of "seals", or rather mouth of the river to the sea.
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