Argenta is situated in Ferrara's province; it has about 22.000
inhabitants on 311 square metres divided in 13 hamlets. This city boasts
of an ancient town-center ed a complex system of museums, the Ecomuseum
of Argenta, grown up around a beautiful oasi of marshland.
Argenta foundation goes back to roman time or a little later. His
name seems to derive from silver reflections on humid ground and of
waters that in the ancient times surrounded it. Since origins Argenta
depends on Ravenna's diocese and, about X - XI century she known a
period of great glory thanks to its river port on Po of Primaro, now
called Reno.
From XII century Estensi dukedome wanted the control on the city and so
Pope Clemente VI gave it in leasing during 1344 and Estensi kept it till
Alfonso II's death in 1597 when the whole Ferrara dukedome was
transferred to Pontifical State.
Inhabitants of Argenta fought during Indipendence Wars with hundreds of
volunteers: the prevalent personage of this period was the lawyer
Giuseppe Vandini, that was the first mayor of Argenta after national
unification. During the Second World War Argenta was seriously damaged
by the British Army.
After post-war period Argenta developped, particularly in the last 15
years. Between the most important economic activities we want to
remember agriculture, building trade, working plastics, commerce of vegetables and wicker or
rush objects. In Argenta we have a large market on Thursday and a
beautiful Fair in September, apart from theatrical performances and
cultural initiatives.
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